Physiological effects of applying cryotherapy to tissues
The most important physiological effect of the cryotherapy is the temperature reduction of the tissues. It’s known to use cryotherapy in the acute phase of sports injuries and particularly in the musculoskeletal system’s diseases. The basic reason to use cryotherapy to acute injury is to achieve a reduction in temperature in the injured area. This helps the injured tissue to avoid the spread of the hematoma and to restrict further tissue injury, while in combination with a push pad, is achieved a greater reduction in metabolism. Local vasoconstriction is induced with the direct use in the injury, to prevent bleeding and the induced edema.
The required time of application of the cold varies, depending on the thickness of the tissues. Athletes need at least 5’ to achieve a significant drop in tissue temperature. It’s generally accepted that in order to achieve vasoconstriction, you need at least 12’. The application of cold should be for 72 hours after the injury and for 5’ to 45’.
Game Ready
Game Ready re-engineers recovery with leading technologies inspired by human endeavor – all designed to get people back to being their best after injury or surgery. Thousands of patients, elite athletes, athletic trainers, pro teams in every sport, special military forces, and the world’s foremost orthopedic surgeons, sports medicine doctors, and physical therapists choose Game Ready. Cold and compression system is clinically proven to decrease pain, muscle spasms, and swelling, while improving key physical therapy milestones – naturally and without narcotics.
The Med4 Elite multi-modality therapy unit can safely improve outcomes while streamlining professional workflow by enabling the simultaneous treatment of one or two patients or multiple injuries.
The system integrates cryotherapy, thermotherapy, rapid contrast therapy, and intermittent pneumatic compression therapy in one device. Various treatment modalities can be used individually or in combination to reduce pain without narcotic medications, control edema or swelling, encourage arterial blood flow, improve range of motion, and aid the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

ZAMAR CARE is a brand from Zanotti family which has more than 40 years of experience in ‘Temperature Management’. The project refers to a medical device for HOT/COLD treatment applications. The equipment allows the maximum de-contracting and decongestant effect and to treat post-operative care and recovery of all sports injuries.
The ZT Clinic provides the possibility of applying cold, hot or alternating hot-cold to the target-area depending on the results we want to achieve. The range of temperature varies from -5 to +45 Celsius degrees.