
What is fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a more and more well recognised chronial disease which is characterized with bone-muscle pain, stiffness, tissue looseness, general fatique and sleep disorders. The most common areas of pain is in spine, shoulders, pelvis and hands without excluding other parts of the body. The patients are usually complain about symptoms of general intensity and highly increase and decrease of the pain during the years. It is more often in women, but it can affect also men and children.
Which are the symptoms?
The pain is usually deep, extended and chronial. It may presented in every part of the body and its range is big. It is described as deep muscular pain of contraction and acute. The intensity of the pain and stiffness is worsted in the morning. The main factors that affect the pain is hot/cold weather, disturbed sleep, physical and mental fatigue, too much physical activity, pressure est.
In the modern world, many people have complained about tiredness, but the fatigue of fibromyalgia is much more than the feeling of tiredness. It is a fatigue in the whole body, which can affect even the small movements in a daily routine. This whole situation can lead to the inability for the patient to act well mentally and physically.
Sleep disorders:
Many patients of fibromyalgia have a sleep disorder, which prevents them to have a deep relaxing sleep. During the night, the sleep is interrupted usually by wakefulness and brain activity, which eliminates the time to have a deep sleep.
Other symptoms:
Other symptoms that they may presented are : irritated colon and bladder, headaches, lack of memory and concentration, irritation of the skin, dry eyes and dry mouth, anxiety, depression and decrease in the neuromuscular coordination.
How is it diagnosed?
There is no clinical examination for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Doctors must be aware of the full medical history and the symptoms of the patients, as well as a full physical examination. The full detailed palpation of the many most sensitive spots in the whole body could be very useful.