Functional movement screen (F.M.S.)
The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a tool for evaluating the fundamental movements of individuals in a practical and dynamic way. The aims of the FMS include: (1) assessing stability and mobility, (2) identifying any body asymmetries, and (3) identifying overall deficits / problems in motion that may predispose an otherwise healthy individual injuries during the activity.
The FMS includes the following seven exercises:
In line lunge
Rotary stability
Hurdle step
Active straight leg raise
Trunk stability push-up
Deep squat
Shoulder mobility
During the exercises, both sides of the body are evaluated to detect asymmetries and imbalances. The cut-off point is usually set to ≤14, therefore, it is considered that subjects receiving a score of less than or equal to 14 exhibited motion dysfunction which may be associated with a higher risk of injury. For these categories, the goal is to address these dysfunctions by empowering / restoring to reduce the risk of injury.