Radiofrequency Diathermy
Frequency diathermy is based on radio wave technology. This treatment is accompanied by therapeutic manipulations to speed up tissue healing, reduce pain and reintegrate the patient into their daily routine. It has the ability to activate biological mechanisms in a thermal and athermal manner. Studies have shown that this treatment has significant positive effects in both acute and inferior stages but also in some chronic pathologies.
The treatment works on the basis of energy transfer to the tissues we are talking about in a frequency range of 400-1000 KHz. This energy is transferred to the tissues with special electrodes based on the capacitive and ohmic phenomena and more specifically. The capacitor (capacitor electrode) affects the superficial soft tissues. The shoulder (resistance electrode) in the deeper tissues with greater electrical resistance.
Such tissues are the ligaments, tendons and bones. The difference with other forms of electrotherapy is that the electric charge is not transmitted by direct contact but by the movement of the ions through the attraction and deflection of the electric charges. This form of frequency generates 10nm wavelength ions that aim to change the cell membrane potential. This action interacts with the tissues on three levels.
Winback's TECAR device provides effective treatment for all musculoskeletal disorders. Winback energy can be used in an acute or chronic phase and its effects are evident from the first session by increasing the range of motion and drastically reducing the pain.
WINBACK energy causes Na and K ions to flow in the cell environment with extremely rapid electrical oscillations. These oscillations result in increased permeability of the cell membrane. This promotes ion exchange and, by extension, faster healing of tissues.
WINBACK inhibits pain immediately and for more than 48 hours. This phenomenon is explained by energy oscillations that disrupt the conventional rotation (hyperpolarization, depolarization) of the pain signal. Thus, the nerve impulses are interrupted and the patient immediately feels the beneficial effect. It also helps the release of endorphins for enduring analgesia.
As WINBACK increases in intensity, the physical resistance of biological tissues converts energy into heat (endogenous diathermy), which increases vascular and lymphatic flows.
CareTherapy is a revolutionary method that arises from the synergy between cutting-edge technology and clinical-scientific skills acquired in over 20 years of experience in the field of Resistive Capacitive Energy Transfer. The bio-stimulation created deep in the tissues produces important antalgic, anti-inflammatory and above all tissue repair effects, so as to speed up the time for a complete functional recovery of the patient.
Using CareTherapy technology you can treat the tissues of your patients and athletes with the benefit of increasing microcirculation, vasodilatation and internal temperature increase. Organizing cycles of sessions of a few minutes it is possible to treat diseases such as tendinitis and tendinopathies, bruises, edema etc.
INDIBA Therapy stimulates the natural mechanisms of healing and tissue recovery non invasively. It uses a specific form of high frequency current (448 kHz) applied with a system combining the capacitive and resistive modes.
Activates the intra and extra cellular ion movement at a frequency that increases the permeability of the membrane and the cellular metabolism. It speeds up regeneration, scar formation and has analgesic, antiinflammatory and fibrolytic properties.
Capacitive mode
The reactions caused by the capacitive mode are mainly focused on the soft tissue next to the electrode. Its properties enable it to act as a external capacitor and to obtain a localised increase in the electro-regenerative energy. The capacitive mode reduces the internal resistance of the tissues (as a result of the vascularisation improvement).
Resistive mode
The reactions caused by the resistive mode act at a deeper level and focus on more resistant tissues, such as joints, ligaments and tendons. This high resistance, linked to the tissue’s high density and scarce water content, facilitates a greater concentration of electro-regenerative energy than in the more vascularised soft tissue.