
Cervical Syndrome
Neck pain is one of the most common health problems that occupy health and work services. Pain in the neck is now one of the common reasons to visit a physician or physiotherapist. 33-66% of cervical spine accidents have neck pain 6 months after the accident 10-20% may have continuous pain for 2 or more years. Researchers using data from insurance companies in Sweden after car or machine accidents were found to result in increased neck and shoulder pain from 19.2% in 1976-1978 to 46.9% in 1990-1992. 50% -70% of the population reported having had neck pain at least once in their lives. And 1/3 of them presented it every year.
It is the pathological condition characterized by the following symptoms:
- Pain in the region of the cervical spine
- Pain in the shoulder area contralateral or oblique.
- Unilateral pain including the shoulder, nose, and hand area
- Often headache and dizziness are reported
- Intervertebral disc pain of the Cervical Cancer A5-A7
- Injuries from chiral or lateral flexion of the neck (traumatic injury, scalp, Stenocleidomostoide long cephalic
- Injury or neck injury
- Chest output syndrome
- Fibromyalgia. A situation that afflicts 3-6% of United States residents
The main cause of II, III and IV refers to accidents caused by cars, machines, etc.
While the main cause of I and V refers to the attitude and use of the cervical spine.
- Job Type
- Work style
- How we sit
- Mattress - sleeping pad
- The way we see TV
The main areas of pain are
- Left and Right Side of the Neck
- The upper side of the Cervical Squat where it joins the skull
- The base of the Cervical Squadron
- The shoulder area
- In front of the Neck
- Along the Cervical Squirrel